In Case of Crisis
Here are some resources that you may find useful if you are in need of more immediate help.
Suicide Crisis Helpline
Dial 988
24-hour bilingual suicide crisis helpline.
Peel Crisis Service
Toll Free: 1-888-811-2222
Immediate crisis outreach and support for individuals aged 16+, who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Distress Centre Halton
Oakville: 905-849-4541
Burlington : 905-681-1488
Halton Hills: 905-877-1211
24-hour phone and online support for people in Halton to better cope with crisis, loneliness and emotional stress.
Peel Children’s Centre Crisis Response Service
7 am - 11 pm
Immediate, non-emergency crisis counselling support for youth and caregivers of children up to age 18.
Kids Help Phone
Free, anonymous and confidential professional phone counselling and online counselling, available 24 hours for kids and youth 20 years of age and younger.
Children's Aid Society
Peel: 905-363-6131
Halton: 905-333-4441
24-hour service to investigate child welfare concerns
Health Connect Ontario (Health 811)
Dial 811
Free 24-hour health advice and information from a registered nurse.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
24-hour crisis counselling, emotional support, information and referrals to women in up to 154 languages.
Peel Shelters
Crisis shelter and supports for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Connex Ontario
Mental health, addiction and problem gambling services.
National Eating Disorder Information Centre
Toronto: 416-340-4156
9 am - 9 pm
Resources and supports relating to those with eating disorders and their families.